The flip side of a Killer Virus: Deadly Innovations

4 min readApr 25, 2020


A modified version of this article was originally published on

There is a flip side to this Covid 19 crisis. A hopeful side. An innovative side. A side that rewards creativity and collaboration. It’s controlled by the mother of invention: necessity.

The world is forcefully pushing past innovation resistance lines — lines that, when crossed, will change our lives forever. As we adjust to the changes in our lives, old and new innovations are being adopted as remedies.

Let’s consider some of the innovation resistance lines that are being erased: resistance lines that are drawn because people and businesses have been comfortable with old habits and processes. The psychological and bureaucratic borders drawn by those who claim “if ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and those who are afraid of change. Well, the crisis has broken the old, and it needs fixing. It has forced change upon us.

Here are just a few examples of innovations that are coming out of the necessity for change:

Distance Learning

Distance learning is now real and scaled. For years, innovators dreamed about using technology to teach the masses beyond non-critical certification programs. The movement was excruciatingly slow and the economics questionable. Universities and K-12 schools across the globe have now been forced to teach millions via video conferencing tools. On the other side of this crisis, online degrees will be more acceptable. Resistance lines are broken, and students, parents and professors are discovering that distance learning works as a convenient alternative. Educational institutions are realizing the vast potential for improved financial performance.


To maximize health care resources and reduce the risk of virus exposure, telehealth practices are ramping up. Soon, we will all pass the resistance line and adapt to it. Doctors’ time-unitization practices, office requirements and the nature of insurance payments will change. Patients may spend less time waiting and traveling back and forth to health care facilities. Doctors will be able to serve patients at home and write prescriptions that get filled online and delivered in a couple of hours. Speed and convenience will win.

Process Digitization

This is an old idea that is front and center again. We can use technology to automate and improve process workflow. Many small companies continued to believe in manual handoffs or resisted progress. This is changing rapidly. Software companies are being asked to deploy capabilities that allow employees to work from home: automated means that provide control, comfort and execution trust. Companies big and small are creating workarounds and getting comfortable with employees working remotely. The psychological barriers of “it won’t work for us” are being broken. More people will be working from home — much more.

Perishable Delivery

Mandated to stay at home? Get your groceries delivered. We will get used to the convenience of grocery delivery and cross our resistance line. Others will need to quickly scale up to compete with the likes of Amazon, because the broader demand will be there. E-commerce will soon dominate a new frontier.

A New Age Of FDA

To win in the battle against COVID-19, a new agile and responsive wartime approach to drug approval is needed. Processes have to be broken and redesigned for efficiency. These innovations will hopefully translate to longer-term effectiveness. Drugs may get approved faster, reducing the cost of drug discovery and leading to lower consumer prices.

Supply Chain And Logistics

We live in a connected world with shared challenges. Companies will rethink the idea of low cost first and treat supply chain partners as true partners. On a local level, companies are redesigning processes to support small deliveries serviced from local warehouses in a timely manner. Curbside deliveries and drop-offs are popping up for everything, from pet food to hamburgers. A massive process re-engineering wave is coming, impacting global supply chain management as well as last-mile challenges (local deliveries).

We Shall Overcome. When we do…

  • There will be significant demand for technology providers: people, software and hardware. There will be both technology scaling and innovation needs. Another round of technology spending is coming!
  • More people will work and learn from home. But more importantly, more people will continue to spend more time with their families. Family dynamics will change.
  • I hope we don’t waste this crisis. Let’s continue to push past innovation resistance after this crisis is over and make sure we don’t snap back to our old ways of thinking and doing.




Written by Sid MOHASSEB

Sid Mohasseb is an Author, Venture Investor, Innovation Leader, Serial Entrepreneur, University Professor, Adviser, Board Member & Business Thought Provoker.

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